Law improving platform workers' protection takes effect in January
Increased CPF contributions will be mandatory for workers born on or after 1 January 1995.
Starting 1 January 2025, platform workers will be better protected in three areas under the Platform Workers Act including housing and retirement adequacy through Central Provident Fund (CPF) contributions, injury financial compensation, and legal representation.
The increased CPF contributions will be mandatory for workers born on or after 1 January 1995 as younger workers can benefit more from the compounding interest given their longer runway for accumulation.
As of December 2024, over 8,000 have opted into increased CPF contributions.
Lower-income workers who opt into the increased CPF contributions can receive the enhanced Platform Workers CPF Transition Support, to offset 100% of their share of the increase in CPF Ordinary and Special Account contributions in 2025.
Older workers who do not opt-in will continue to be required to make CPF MediSave contributions, and will not receive a share of CPF contributions.
Operators must provide their workers with Work Injury Compensation (WIC) insurance at the same level of coverage as employees under the WIC Act.
Workers who are injured while on the job can inform their operators of the incident to make a WIC claim.
The Approved Code of Practice (ACOP) for Platform Services that the Ministry of Manpower and the Workplace Safety and Health Council are working on, will provide practical guidance to fulfil duties under the Workplace Safety and Health Act.